29 January 2017

Tutorial : How to Log In VLE Frog (KUPSIS)

Hello guys and Assalamualaikum! :)

I guess, it's not to late for me to wish HAPPY CHINESEE NEW YEAR! Gong Xi Fa Cai ;) So yesterday, I went to Audrey's house. Hohoho thank you junior for having me :)

So, the holiday just get started a few days ago. and for sure, there must be homeworks provided by the teachers hehehehehhe.  My sch is on our way to be a 21st century learning and, for the first time (actually sebelum ni pernah guna juga tapi tak berjalan sangat), all students from form 1-5 kot kalau tak silap, dibekalkan dengan homework that they need to use VLE Frog.

At first, I was blurred on how to use it. Tambah2 mintak url sekolah kan, mana lah aku tahu haha. after a few periods, lepas godek sana sini, baru reti LOL.

So, mai nak ajaq mai (tu la, nopal terang dalam dewan, bukan qeti nak dengaq)

1. Download VLE Frog from you apps store/ Play Store

search " VLE FROG"

ambil yang atas sekali tu. From publisher FrogAsia SDN BHD

Done install, Open the apps.

3. Click Log In ke sign in tah

4. And then, You're required to fill ur school's VLE URL.

5. Hangpa copy link ni


6. Paste kat situ

7. Click Next!

8. Masukkan ID , Passwords hampa

9. Ha tunggu apa lagi, buat la homework tu

Senang je. Dah bai.